Cook & Reeves Wheelchair Transportation, Inc.
- Doctors Appointments
- Shopping Centers
- Holiday Visits
- Kidney Dialysis
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Living Facility
- Hairdresser
- Family Outings
- Anywhere you need to go!
Need a lift?
or call (502) 836-7679.
When you need a lift, we get you there!
Wheelchair Pricing
One Way | Round Trip | |
Base price | $60.00 | $90.00 |
Covered miles | 15 | 30 |
Using our wheelchair | $10 / trip | |
Over covered miles | $1 / mile | |
Before 7am / After 5pm | $35 / hour | |
Cancel within 24 hours | $25.00 | |
Cancel at the door | $50.00 |
Stretcher Pricing
One Way | Round Trip | |
Base price | $250.00 | $500.00 |
Per mile | $8 / mile | |
Cancel within 24 hours | $175.00 | |
Cancel at the door | $200.00 |